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Metal Stamping Machines and What Precision Stamping is all About

Precision metal stamping is that process for the punching of markings, 3d shapes and other designs into a material surface and the precision stamping machines exert such a high level of force so as to engrave dies and forms onto the particular surface material. It is a method that is most commonly used on metals such as steel, copper and aluminum though other materials such as plastics, cement and other metals can as well go through precision stamping. The following is a review of some of the types of precision stamping machines.

By and large, there are two main types of the precision stamping machines and these are the mechanical presses and the hydraulic presses. Either of these have their unique attributes and these make them be suited for different purposes. Read on and learn more on the unique features that either of these come with.

Mechanical presses by and large come with a mechanical flywheel that is used to transfer and store energy. Their punches will range in size, between 5mm and 500mm and these will depend on the specifics of the press you may have settled for. Besides this, the speed of the pressing machines will also vary and this will be anywhere between 20 and 1500 strokes in a minute. Over and above this, the sizes of these presses will as well vary so widely and these will in most cases be anywhere between 20 and 6000 tons.

And looking at the hydraulic press machines, these apply pressure on the materials by making use of hydraulics. The other attribute of the hydraulic press machines that you need to know of are such as the fact that they will as well vary so widely in size, often between 20 and 10000 tons and the stroke sizes will also vary between 10mm and 800mm. The following is a look at some of the upsides of precision stamping.

Just as die-casting, forging, machining and the others, precision metal stamping is such a standard and commonly applied manufacturing process. Check the following for a review of some of the benefits that this method of metal works has.

One benefit that shines when we talk of precision metal stamping is the lower costs of dies. Generally, the precision metal stamping dies generally tend to be less expensive as compared to what would be of the other processes. The other benefit that they come with is lowered secondary costs. This is seen when it comes to the need to clean and plate the precision stamping machines which generally tend to be less costly as compared to the other alternative and similar metal forming techniques.

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